St. Ann's Degree & P.G. College for Women
Approved by AICTE,
H.No.3-2-55/1, NFC Road, Mallapur,
Hyderabad - 500076
Ph :040 27170257,9492030961
Email ID: stanns1206@gmail.com
@ Trades- Commerce Club
“Brand your Brilliance. Ignite your Income.”

Crossword Puzzles:
To extend a practical approach to the theoretical concepts, crossword puzzles are conducted in business statistics and management accounting.
Mini Project:
To create awareness about research study among students, mini projects on various themes like; India & Industry, mobile usage etc., are given to the students. Students present these projects in the form of PPT.
Collage Making:
Helps the students to collate information relating to a specific theme. The objective is to explore the student’s creativity and imagination along with improving their presentation skills.
In today’s business world, customer plays a significant role, In order to tap the creative skills and to develop marketing strategy ideas, an ad-mag competition was conducted.
Thunders @ Trades:
An intercollegiate business quiz competition which encourages students to explore their knowledge in different disciplines. :
Smart Start:
A business plan competition gives an opportunity to aspiring entrepreneurs to showcase their business ideas. The students are encouraged to come up with innovative business ideas and products designs. They are asked to present the same with PPT